Saturday, November 1, 2014

Celebrate this Week - Perspective Shift

Today I am celebrating, a Perspective Shift.  I was chatting, via texting to my friend Cathy Mere and our conversation went like this

Thank you Cathy for helping me breathe, let my shoulders down, and try to enjoy a bit more where I am right now.  Our conversation started about something completely different but I think there was a plan for it to end like this.  Friends know just what you need, sometimes without knowing it.

Thank you Ruth, for supporting us in finding the positive in our busy lives.


  1. Love Cathy's comment about looking closely. Lucky you to have such a buddy to text with!

  2. Mandy, this just made my smile. Just returning the favor. I am so thankful to have connected to such a supportive circle of friends.

  3. I enjoyed your conversation with Cathy-light-hearted and meant to ease the hurried pace or the stressful place.

  4. I wonder how many non-teachers think that all those ducks should be in a row? Love this-maybe it needs to be a poster collage or something? Best to you in your journey, & nice to hear you gave each other support! Have some good relaxing time this weekend, Mandy!

  5. Thanks for making your deep breath our deep breath. I smiled and instantly breathed deeply reading this. Truly, no ducks ever stay in a row! And that's okay. They are toddling everywhere learning and absorbing. All good.

  6. Thank you for sharing this reminder with the rest of us! This is SO true!

  7. Like Carrie expressed, you helped me take that deep breath and relax my own shoulders. :)

  8. And it's nice to know amazing teachers like you feel this way. Another reason blogs are so helpful.

  9. The dang ducks are not lining up for me, either!
